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          Let me first mention that the Internet is a great thing and it is very convenient there to study everything you want as long as you want. However, before starting with the content of this blog, please remember that this content is given solely for informative and educational purposes and should not be substituted for professional consultation/management. Any person experienced with questions regarding a medical condition should clarify to see a doctor or contact another qualified mental health specialist. Hence, do not resort to self-treatment or put off to see a doctor because of what has been posted on this blog. If you have an emergency concerning any event as mentioned above, contact your doctor at once head to the nearest hospital emergency department, or dial 911. As for all the negative consequences resulting from adherence to procedures and the usage of products mentioned on our site, the authors shall be exempt from liability. This disclaimer is assumed to equally apply to this website. Hence, it can be suggested that any individual who continues using this specific website is subjected to all the conditions detailed under this disclaimer. If the statements above have yet to make you want to stop and think then it is suggested that the use of this website is not recommended. As a preventive measure, it is recommended that you have a disclaimer at the footer which should be made standard to be at the bottom of the home page and all subsequent pages or you simply insert a link to another webpage containing the disclaimer at the bottom of all your posting.

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