Usage Policy

1.     Intro

Hi, this is Mental Guard, a blog that provides information and receives/writes stories related to mental health. Any use by you of this site will be governed by this Usage Policy, for which you give your consent by using the site. It is crucial to read the terms stated here below.

2.     Scope and Purpose

 For topics, it discusses areas such as depression, stress, mental diseases, sober living, relationships, and ways to preserve one’s mental health. Our goal is to encourage the readers, educate them about other’s experiences, or offer the necessary information.

3.     Content Ownership and Contributions

It is also worth mentioning that Mental Guard does open its doors to guest posts and other material from other writers. Please bear with us in mind that while the blog operates with no copyrights or ownership and the ideas published by the authors are not our property, contributors will have to make sure that they provide content that they have written and do not violate the rights of other people.

4.     User Conduct

The behavior we expect of the users is expected to be proper and civil with constructive intentions. Members have the permission to exchange information and give consultation if there is any. The following actions are strictly prohibited: 


Abusive language

 Hate speech

5.     Privacy and Data Collection

We collect information for newsletters and updates such as email addresses. The safety and security of users’ data are preserved under the same parameters which ensure that user information is not divulged or altered in any way. However, the users are advised to read our detailed Privacy Policy on how their data will be processed.

6.     Disclaimers and Liability

 It is important to remember, though, that the blog posts represent information from the time it was written – making it to some extent non-reliable and not complete. It only means that users have to consult experts where it is required. These disclaimers cover all the aspects of the use of this site and it is important to note that Mental Guard will not be held responsible for any losses or damages derived from the use of this website.

7.     Modification and Termination

 The specific permission given to Mental Guard is that it has the exclusive right to alter or adjust this Usage Policy at any given time. Thus, in the case of a change, what will indicate the change to the users is a posting at our website subscribe button.

8.     Contact Information

 If you have any queries/complaints about this Usage Policy or any other matter, kindly use the contact form provided on the website to let us know.

9.     Governing Law

This Usage Policy shall be subject to the laws of the country of operation of the Mental Guard.

10.  Acceptance of Terms

 Your act of using Mental Guard means you have understood, and agreed to be bound by the Usage Policy stated herein. The present website is being created for those citizens who approve the given policy, and for those who are ready to make amendments. The use of the website after the changes have been made to this policy is also evidence of your agreement to the changes.

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